Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Packing panic...ish

Hello everyone! Thanks for logging onto this unbearably clever URL and reading about my adventures. To start things off, I promise this will get more interesting in the future.

But as for right now, I'm in Chandler, Arizona, thinking about how I'm supposed to get things prepared in time to shift my life up north of the border in exactly five days' time. In those five days, I have to get together the mess that is my room, take a red-eye back to DC, pack everything I need for a semester (I don't know if I can afford to pay the tax rates they charge up there...), and head up to New Brunswick on a flight that goes through--get this--DC to Michigan to (with a 45 minute layover!) NEWARK to New Brunswick. And then when I get there, I still have to pick my classes.

I can't stress enough, though, how INCREDIBLY worth it it will all be. Enough folks have told me not to get my hopes up about the location in case I hate it--too late for that. Never mind the fact that I'll be going from about 15 degrees Celsius to -5 and below, never mind the fact that I'm not used to snow, never mind the fact that I've never even visited this province. I love Canada, and the school that I'm going to is ranked the #1 undergrad institute in the country--and, as far as I can tell, full of really amazing people. I am completely and totally stoked to be going up there--on a Killam Fellowship, no less!

I'll get into the reasons later, and then blogospherically kick the asses of every single US naysayer who claims that Canada isn't really a "foreign" country.

But for now, I must go to bed. Because what better way to prepare for a semester up North than a ski trip up in Flagstaff?
