Dear Atlantic provinces,
Let me just start off this letter by reaffirming that I still love you. You could probably hurl a tornado at me, and after that a hurricane, and possibly a typhoon, and I would still love you. But I have a small bone to pick with you.
When I said yesterday, standing underneath a sunny, blue sky on a balmy spring day that "It's probably going to ice storm tomorrow," I was kidding. You weren't actually supposed to listen to me.
Either you have no sense of humour, or you have a profound sense of irony. I'm not sure which.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
SUCH a good song...
By Kate Nash. Give it a's a fantastic song, and the lyrics are very straightforward. Unfortunately, it's not the sort of song you can quote anywhere ("Thirty-five people couldn't count on two hands the number of times you've made me stop...stop and think why are you being such a dickhead for...") even though they're rather well-written...without people thinking you're really angry at someone.
But really. This is not a passive aggressive "OH MY GOD I HATE YOU" post because those are just annoying. I just like the song. I mean, sure, there are people who definitely need to listen to it from time to time, but I'm one of those people, so...anyway. Give it a listen.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Springtime the Maritimes (and a touch of springtime sadness)
It's going to be 7 degrees and sunny today...I was outside in a fleece sweater and jeans, and a bike ride is being planned for this afternoon. Both of my windows are open and my heat is off. I never thought I'd see the day when I would consider the low 40's as warm. (When I was little and living in Phoenix, I distinctly remember thinking that it was going to be cold one day when the high was 58 degrees (14 C). My sister and I wore coats to school.)
Apparently it's been a rough winter for New Brunswick...more snow than usual and a giant ice storm that coated EVERYTHING in a glittery layer of frozen-ness. So now that we're coming out of it, I'm seeing more and more people out in the town, taking off mittens as they walk down the street...and you can't turn your head without hearing somebody talk about how nice the weather is.
I've always liked the springtime, but here, people (and I include myself in this) really appreciate it. And "appreciation" isn't a strong enough word..."rejoicing" might be more fitting. I was in Bridge Street Cafe a couple of weeks ago, and there was a note folded up on one of my friend's tables that said "Read me!" on the outside. On the inside, there was an excited "Spring is here!" with a butterfly drawn next to the words. I asked her about it, and she said, "Oh yeah, you're just supposed to take that and put it on a table for people to find."
It's hard not to be happy, and I can't stop smiling whenever I walk between campus and the downtown area--and I find excuses to go outside (like this morning, to the Sackville Farmers' Market to get some deliciously greasy veggie samosas--Ali Shott, if you're here on a weekend, you're coming with me). The other week, I stopped to watch a robin hop around, and I was thrilled when I saw a patch of grass on campus that didn't have a speck of snow on it. Then proceeded to stand in the grass for a second just to feel it underneath my sneakers--I realized that I'd been walking on nothing but ice, snow, and cement for the past 3 1/2 months (with the exception of last weekend, when I was in Phoenix, but I also wanted to die the first day I was there--it was 80/30ish).
The only problem is...when the warm weather comes, I'm gone. We were at the pub last night, and one of my fellow Killamer friends just randomly looks at me and said, "You can't leave."
Another friend told me that it makes her sick how "Canadian I am" (I asked for clarification on that one, and she meant that it's so clear to her that I fit here so well, and yet I can't stay). And to quote an invitation that's sitting in front of me, "Cool Americans are sometimes hard to find, so I'm so happy to have met you--and that you're cool!"--which makes my little star-spangled heart feel all fuzzy and warm.
So while I will be happy to go back to DC and the people and friends I love and that I'm missing there, leaving Sackville is going to be incredibly, incredibly difficult.
But's going to be an awesome few weeks.
Apparently it's been a rough winter for New Brunswick...more snow than usual and a giant ice storm that coated EVERYTHING in a glittery layer of frozen-ness. So now that we're coming out of it, I'm seeing more and more people out in the town, taking off mittens as they walk down the street...and you can't turn your head without hearing somebody talk about how nice the weather is.
I've always liked the springtime, but here, people (and I include myself in this) really appreciate it. And "appreciation" isn't a strong enough word..."rejoicing" might be more fitting. I was in Bridge Street Cafe a couple of weeks ago, and there was a note folded up on one of my friend's tables that said "Read me!" on the outside. On the inside, there was an excited "Spring is here!" with a butterfly drawn next to the words. I asked her about it, and she said, "Oh yeah, you're just supposed to take that and put it on a table for people to find."
It's hard not to be happy, and I can't stop smiling whenever I walk between campus and the downtown area--and I find excuses to go outside (like this morning, to the Sackville Farmers' Market to get some deliciously greasy veggie samosas--Ali Shott, if you're here on a weekend, you're coming with me). The other week, I stopped to watch a robin hop around, and I was thrilled when I saw a patch of grass on campus that didn't have a speck of snow on it. Then proceeded to stand in the grass for a second just to feel it underneath my sneakers--I realized that I'd been walking on nothing but ice, snow, and cement for the past 3 1/2 months (with the exception of last weekend, when I was in Phoenix, but I also wanted to die the first day I was there--it was 80/30ish).
The only problem is...when the warm weather comes, I'm gone. We were at the pub last night, and one of my fellow Killamer friends just randomly looks at me and said, "You can't leave."
Another friend told me that it makes her sick how "Canadian I am" (I asked for clarification on that one, and she meant that it's so clear to her that I fit here so well, and yet I can't stay). And to quote an invitation that's sitting in front of me, "Cool Americans are sometimes hard to find, so I'm so happy to have met you--and that you're cool!"--which makes my little star-spangled heart feel all fuzzy and warm.
So while I will be happy to go back to DC and the people and friends I love and that I'm missing there, leaving Sackville is going to be incredibly, incredibly difficult.
But's going to be an awesome few weeks.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Ponderings...but not really
Wow. 3 more weeks here? And it actually feels like it's going to end now, because I got 3 of my 4 term papers out of the way.
I'm not really sure how to feel about this. I'm going to go with "sad but excited."
But dwelling on reasons behind emotions and navel-gazing never helped anyone. With that whole brain/heart dichotomy that exists in the realm of emotions, sometimes it's just worth it to dispense of the brain (though obviously not in all cases). So it's going to be a fun, well-lived three weeks.
And I thought, hey diddle diddle
now isn't this a riddle, it's a proof of love
when the cakes hit the griddle
we'll dance a little jiggle by the stars above
and call this world our own
And all I want is to be a little part of the things that I love
And all I want, to make a little start at the things that I love
Seems there's lots of things that I could love
I'm not really sure how to feel about this. I'm going to go with "sad but excited."
But dwelling on reasons behind emotions and navel-gazing never helped anyone. With that whole brain/heart dichotomy that exists in the realm of emotions, sometimes it's just worth it to dispense of the brain (though obviously not in all cases). So it's going to be a fun, well-lived three weeks.
And I thought, hey diddle diddle
now isn't this a riddle, it's a proof of love
when the cakes hit the griddle
we'll dance a little jiggle by the stars above
and call this world our own
And all I want is to be a little part of the things that I love
And all I want, to make a little start at the things that I love
Seems there's lots of things that I could love
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Healthy lifestyle choices, by numbers
Late night snack:
2 Mars bars
1 can of Full Throttle
Coffee consumed today:
28 ounces, black.
Number of books surrounding me:
Too many.
Number of pages to write:
Let's not think about that.
Hours of sleep gotten in the last 24 hours:
Roughly 4.5. The .5 was on a plane.
Hours of jet lag to get over:
I've been in four different time zones in the last two days and spent three consecutive nights in different ones. You figure it out.
Sanity level:
Approaching 0.
In better news, I've finally owned up the fact that I am hopelessly addicted to caffeine. That probably won't change, but at least I'm now being honest with myself.
2 Mars bars
1 can of Full Throttle
Coffee consumed today:
28 ounces, black.
Number of books surrounding me:
Too many.
Number of pages to write:
Let's not think about that.
Hours of sleep gotten in the last 24 hours:
Roughly 4.5. The .5 was on a plane.
Hours of jet lag to get over:
I've been in four different time zones in the last two days and spent three consecutive nights in different ones. You figure it out.
Sanity level:
Approaching 0.
In better news, I've finally owned up the fact that I am hopelessly addicted to caffeine. That probably won't change, but at least I'm now being honest with myself.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Dear all 33,594,000 citizens of Canada,
I'd like to apologize on behalf of our idiotic newscasters. I realize that Fox has a reputation for being moronic, and the only reason most people I know watch it is because they're curious what the "other side" is thinking...and I know that there are idiots everywhere...but I apologize that we've put them on national television. I also apologize for their extreme arrogance, especially during an economic time like this, when karma is going to turn around and bite us in the ass (some call it a free market, I call it karma--well, not seriously, but you get what I mean).
(Along similar lines, flying out of Moncton, they didn't make me take off my shoes at security. They did at US Customs in Toronto. They did at regular security in Phoenix AND Newark. They didn't flying back into Montreal.)
I love and respect you as a nation, Canada, and I know very few people who would be so crass as to attack another nation's armed services.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
The type of airport where you don't have to take off your shoes in security (no, really)
Why am I writing a blog at 5 AM, you ask? Well, I'm at the Moncton Airport (which consists of a few rather large rooms) after getting 2 1/2 hours of sleep last night and was convinced that I was flying Continental. Went to go check in at the Continental ticket counter, and they politely informed me that there was no "Cannon" on their flight.
Oh...shoot. Well, there go my sister's plans to have a maid of honour actually at the ceremony.
So I paid $7.80 to log in and check my email...which informed me that I was flying Air Canada. Continental's on the way back. Right. I suppose I could've spared myself the expense and just tried the other two ticket counters, seeing as there are exactly three airlines that fly out of Moncton.
So...note to self in the future...print out the itinerary. They're not kidding when they tell you that.
Though as I was standing in line for Continental, the man in front of me struck up a conversation (they do that; they're human here). He was Irish. Yes, with a brogue. And in the lobster business (he told me this when one of his competitors walked in and waved to him). Heading off to Vegas with some friends. And as I walked to security, d'you know what I saw? No, not a McDonald's or a Tim Horton's or any of those quick 'n dirty places you always see in airports. I saw a seafood place. And not the fast food fried kind of seafood. The sort of place that sells lobsters on ice. I guess that's just in case you want to bring a crustacean along for the ride--for people with Little Mermaid complexes, I suppose.
And the other thing? Airport employees are really nice. Even when idiot American college students are checking in with the wrong airline, and even when idiot American college students (who are proficient in French) are so tired they can't do anything but stare at the guy in security who asks "Tu parles francais?" which they learned in the first week of French class...
No better place to have a harrowing airport experience than the Maritimes. Because, really, the mere fact that you're in the Maritimes will prevent it from being at all stressful. The people are just that pleasant.
I love Atlantic Canada.
Oh...shoot. Well, there go my sister's plans to have a maid of honour actually at the ceremony.
So I paid $7.80 to log in and check my email...which informed me that I was flying Air Canada. Continental's on the way back. Right. I suppose I could've spared myself the expense and just tried the other two ticket counters, seeing as there are exactly three airlines that fly out of Moncton.
So...note to self in the future...print out the itinerary. They're not kidding when they tell you that.
Though as I was standing in line for Continental, the man in front of me struck up a conversation (they do that; they're human here). He was Irish. Yes, with a brogue. And in the lobster business (he told me this when one of his competitors walked in and waved to him). Heading off to Vegas with some friends. And as I walked to security, d'you know what I saw? No, not a McDonald's or a Tim Horton's or any of those quick 'n dirty places you always see in airports. I saw a seafood place. And not the fast food fried kind of seafood. The sort of place that sells lobsters on ice. I guess that's just in case you want to bring a crustacean along for the ride--for people with Little Mermaid complexes, I suppose.
And the other thing? Airport employees are really nice. Even when idiot American college students are checking in with the wrong airline, and even when idiot American college students (who are proficient in French) are so tired they can't do anything but stare at the guy in security who asks "Tu parles francais?" which they learned in the first week of French class...
No better place to have a harrowing airport experience than the Maritimes. Because, really, the mere fact that you're in the Maritimes will prevent it from being at all stressful. The people are just that pleasant.
I love Atlantic Canada.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Question and random thoughts
Why is it the Toronto Maple Leafs? And not the Toronto Maple Leaves? Isn't "leaves" the plural of "leaf"? Is it a grammatical thing? Because otherwise it would be a Toronto maple tree in the process of leaving?
Eagles v. Villanova at the Wachovia Centre in Philadelphia tonight. Just in case I haven't said this enough--Go Eagles!
Also...I miss the days when I didn't feel immediately compelled to let everyone know what was going on in my life at every moment in time. Or when I didn't feel entitled to know everyone else's business, too. Twitter is the next big thing on the scene, it seems, and Facebook now wants to be like Twitter. I buy into it all (2 blogs, a Facebook, and now a Twitter account), but I just don't get why I do...
And in the unofficial rules of online social decorum...I think one that stipulates to NOT CREATE FAN CLUBS FOR YOURSELF ON FACEBOOK ought to be towards the top.
Eagles v. Villanova at the Wachovia Centre in Philadelphia tonight. Just in case I haven't said this enough--Go Eagles!
Also...I miss the days when I didn't feel immediately compelled to let everyone know what was going on in my life at every moment in time. Or when I didn't feel entitled to know everyone else's business, too. Twitter is the next big thing on the scene, it seems, and Facebook now wants to be like Twitter. I buy into it all (2 blogs, a Facebook, and now a Twitter account), but I just don't get why I do...
And in the unofficial rules of online social decorum...I think one that stipulates to NOT CREATE FAN CLUBS FOR YOURSELF ON FACEBOOK ought to be towards the top.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
March Madness, indeed.
Wow. So this is the first year I've ever bothered filling out an NCAA bracket. I think I've got Michigan State slotted to win. I dunno. I just filled it out so that American would end up playing Duke, which I would find...kind of cool. Because, y'know, they're really good and stuff...
I wonder if the people who are all hard-core about college basketball actually know anything about the teams or if they just pick blindly, then proceed to defend their own National Champion with twisted/made-up statistics and other silly basketball lingo, which, if strung together quickly into a sentence, will safely be interpreted by NO ONE.
I've always been scared of hard-core sports fans because I assume they know whatever they're screaming their purple, enraged faces off about. It's only occurred to me recently how hard it is to keep track of one league, let alone the whole damn national championships. Therefore...I think much of the hullabaloo is bullshit.
Loyal faith has always been my route. And cheering for the person that not everybody else likes. So I love American University (well, actually, I don't--they often make me want to throw things against brick the fact that they're charging students $75 a ticket to go from DC to Philly when last year was $50 to go from DC to Alabama...way to price gouge, AU Athletics!!! It's like "Oh, look, they like us now. Let's milk THIS for all it's worth because we need to make money while we can!" Let's screw students over in a time of economic crisis because they're not already paying enough! What's going to be next, charging us for games?)
Ehm...where was I? Oh yes. I will cheer on AU until I myself am enraged and purple because they're my team. And also because they're 14th. And no one expects them to win. And also because they're playing Villanova, which is a Philadelphia area team. And we know how much I love Philadelphia sports fans and YES, I will gladly generalize that to include all college teams even kind of in that area. Which explains why I'm also rooting for ASU before Temple. As much as I hate Phoenix, I hate downtown Philadelphia more.
Last year, while watching a basketball game and playing beer pong with some friends, I rooted for Kansas because 1) their uniforms were nicer colors and 2) they were playing UNC (I think; I could be remembering this completely incorrectly), who everyone expected to win.
This is all to say...selections for teams are completely arbitrary. At least for me. And I bet the fat dude with the beer screaming things at the ref that no one else understands is being just as arbitrary and emotional as I am.
I am no longer intimidated by sports fans.
I wonder if the people who are all hard-core about college basketball actually know anything about the teams or if they just pick blindly, then proceed to defend their own National Champion with twisted/made-up statistics and other silly basketball lingo, which, if strung together quickly into a sentence, will safely be interpreted by NO ONE.
I've always been scared of hard-core sports fans because I assume they know whatever they're screaming their purple, enraged faces off about. It's only occurred to me recently how hard it is to keep track of one league, let alone the whole damn national championships. Therefore...I think much of the hullabaloo is bullshit.
Loyal faith has always been my route. And cheering for the person that not everybody else likes. So I love American University (well, actually, I don't--they often make me want to throw things against brick the fact that they're charging students $75 a ticket to go from DC to Philly when last year was $50 to go from DC to Alabama...way to price gouge, AU Athletics!!! It's like "Oh, look, they like us now. Let's milk THIS for all it's worth because we need to make money while we can!" Let's screw students over in a time of economic crisis because they're not already paying enough! What's going to be next, charging us for games?)
Ehm...where was I? Oh yes. I will cheer on AU until I myself am enraged and purple because they're my team. And also because they're 14th. And no one expects them to win. And also because they're playing Villanova, which is a Philadelphia area team. And we know how much I love Philadelphia sports fans and YES, I will gladly generalize that to include all college teams even kind of in that area. Which explains why I'm also rooting for ASU before Temple. As much as I hate Phoenix, I hate downtown Philadelphia more.
Last year, while watching a basketball game and playing beer pong with some friends, I rooted for Kansas because 1) their uniforms were nicer colors and 2) they were playing UNC (I think; I could be remembering this completely incorrectly), who everyone expected to win.
This is all to say...selections for teams are completely arbitrary. At least for me. And I bet the fat dude with the beer screaming things at the ref that no one else understands is being just as arbitrary and emotional as I am.
I am no longer intimidated by sports fans.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The dangers of waxing poetic about inanimate objects
You all remember my earlier struggle to find a pair of boots? Well, to bring that discussion to a close...
I found a pair of boots here. They're my favourite, even though they're old and worn. They certainly have their flaws--a scratch on the toe, some colour (I'm going with Canadian spellings here) worn off around the edges, they smell a little musty--but I like them.
I've thought about getting another pair to replace them (they let in some water when it rains), but nothing else is quite as warm, quite as comfortable, or works as well with most of my clothing choices. And all the new pairs that I'm looking at online are just way too difficult to ship to Canada, and I know they'd end up completely falling apart at the end of a season. These are holding together very nicely, and why bother going to all that trouble for a new pair when these are sitting right here?
Yeah, sure, they require a bit of maintenance. They need some super glue around the toes once in a rare while, but I figure it's worth the little bit of effort.
What's funny about these boots is that I wasn't expecting to find them. I had been looking for boots, yes, but they were all too glitzy--high-heeled, or made of patent leather, or way too expensive, or those run-of-the-mill Uggs that everyone and their mother seems to own. I didn't like any of the pairs I looked at or tried to wear sometimes, I guess, but really not worth it.
These boots, on the other hand, don't ask for much attention--they are black, plain, and flat-soled. They've got some decoration on the sides, though, and the general shape is very nice if you take another look at them. I found them in the back of a thrift shop sitting quietly amidst a pile of other shoes. A tight squeeze to get my foot through the top part at first, but the leather has since stretched a bit...and they fit perfectly.
I found a pair of boots here. They're my favourite, even though they're old and worn. They certainly have their flaws--a scratch on the toe, some colour (I'm going with Canadian spellings here) worn off around the edges, they smell a little musty--but I like them.
I've thought about getting another pair to replace them (they let in some water when it rains), but nothing else is quite as warm, quite as comfortable, or works as well with most of my clothing choices. And all the new pairs that I'm looking at online are just way too difficult to ship to Canada, and I know they'd end up completely falling apart at the end of a season. These are holding together very nicely, and why bother going to all that trouble for a new pair when these are sitting right here?
Yeah, sure, they require a bit of maintenance. They need some super glue around the toes once in a rare while, but I figure it's worth the little bit of effort.
What's funny about these boots is that I wasn't expecting to find them. I had been looking for boots, yes, but they were all too glitzy--high-heeled, or made of patent leather, or way too expensive, or those run-of-the-mill Uggs that everyone and their mother seems to own. I didn't like any of the pairs I looked at or tried to wear sometimes, I guess, but really not worth it.
These boots, on the other hand, don't ask for much attention--they are black, plain, and flat-soled. They've got some decoration on the sides, though, and the general shape is very nice if you take another look at them. I found them in the back of a thrift shop sitting quietly amidst a pile of other shoes. A tight squeeze to get my foot through the top part at first, but the leather has since stretched a bit...and they fit perfectly.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Lessons from trees

It's gotten to the point where I feel like I'm swimming between two very powerful currents--one that wants to stay, and one that can't wait to go back to DC. It's tough finding a middle ground, because there are aspects and people in both that/whom I love equally.
The process they go through to get this stuff is...amazing. The technology ranges from the primitive (scales made from milk jugs and excess steel parts) to the high-tech (thermometers, the solar batteries and hydroelectric pumps wired up to provide power for the entire camp)--it's a very intricate process. You have to make a lot to make any money off of it (a lot of sap makes very little sugar in any form), so most of the workers work for next to nothing or just volunteer. And, at least here, they were happy to show visitors around, give out free samples and let us take billions of photos.
Given a choice between which was more satisfying and heart-warming--the actual candy or the people who were working there--I'd go with the latter. They love what they do, frustrating as I can imagine it is at times, and they come back year after year. The owner of the second place we went to had a constant smile on his face--and fashioned their own particular pumping system himself. They even took us in to show us their house.
Not really sure where or how to wrap this up, I suppose...but it was a Canadian experience for the books, certainly.
Friday, March 13, 2009
What's that, you ask?
Oh, just the score between American University and Holy Cross.
In the playoffs for the Patriot League.
Which means we're going to the NCAA tourney.
Oh, just the score between American University and Holy Cross.
In the playoffs for the Patriot League.
Which means we're going to the NCAA tourney.
Some pride from home
So my home university (American) is in the Patriot League playoffs against our biggest rival (Holy Cross) today...and no one around here has ESPN 2, so sadly I can neither attend nor watch. (Last year, the quarter finals were against the same team, and it got to the point where we were yelling inappropriate comments about the referee's mother). This makes me sad, but....
All hail the mighty AU Eagles
Where there's a fight we'll see it through
You can be sure we'll be triumphant
When we wear red, white and blue
All hail the mighty AU Eagles
We'll conquer all adversity
So let's all join in and give a yell
For AU and victory!
(Click on the last line to hear the actual tune performed by the pep band)
I'm writing in the lyrics because they're a little bit ridiculous (and really, what fight song isn't?)...but fun to scream at the top of your lungs.
Also...mildly hilarious...someone found my blog searching for "Shamrock Fest What to Wear" on Google. Um, honey? WEAR GREEN. SHAMROCK Fest. It's Irish. They like green.
Where there's a fight we'll see it through
You can be sure we'll be triumphant
When we wear red, white and blue
All hail the mighty AU Eagles
We'll conquer all adversity
So let's all join in and give a yell
For AU and victory!
(Click on the last line to hear the actual tune performed by the pep band)
I'm writing in the lyrics because they're a little bit ridiculous (and really, what fight song isn't?)...but fun to scream at the top of your lungs.
Also...mildly hilarious...someone found my blog searching for "Shamrock Fest What to Wear" on Google. Um, honey? WEAR GREEN. SHAMROCK Fest. It's Irish. They like green.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A wee bit of an obsession.
OK, so the post that got deleted for this one was lame. So I'm writing up a new one. And I present to you...two of the world's greatest music videos.
I went to go see Great Big Sea last night in Moncton. Will post pictures later (maybe), but I have two things to say: 1) They are the best band in the history of ever and 2) Alan Doyle is a gorgeous, gorgeous man (he's the dude with the long hair looking coyly at the camera in the "Lukey" video). Many, many thanks to Gabo and Carlene for making it such a fun time, indulging my ridiculous photographic habits and driving through crappy weather to get us there!
Saw GBS last year around this time in DC while the crowd was dancing around in a giant parking lot outside of a stadium drinking beer in the rain--and they brought along Russell Crowe to do a song--but I gotta say, seeing them in a hockey rink in the Maritimes? And now that I know pretty much all of their music? Uh. May. Zing. They'll be at the Wolf Trap (outside of DC) on August 21st, conveniently one day after my 21st birthday. Hence, I will be celebrating the birthday a day later and will somehow be obtaining a lot of Canadian beer afterwards (Brickskeller, anyone?--though it seems the only Canadian beers they have are Wyder's, Molson, Moosehead, and Unibroue....where's the other Maritimes stuff, guys???).
And then I'll go work on my grad school applications to schools in Canada.
I'm looking forward to going back at this point, but MAN, am I going to miss New Brunswick.
I went to go see Great Big Sea last night in Moncton. Will post pictures later (maybe), but I have two things to say: 1) They are the best band in the history of ever and 2) Alan Doyle is a gorgeous, gorgeous man (he's the dude with the long hair looking coyly at the camera in the "Lukey" video). Many, many thanks to Gabo and Carlene for making it such a fun time, indulging my ridiculous photographic habits and driving through crappy weather to get us there!
Saw GBS last year around this time in DC while the crowd was dancing around in a giant parking lot outside of a stadium drinking beer in the rain--and they brought along Russell Crowe to do a song--but I gotta say, seeing them in a hockey rink in the Maritimes? And now that I know pretty much all of their music? Uh. May. Zing. They'll be at the Wolf Trap (outside of DC) on August 21st, conveniently one day after my 21st birthday. Hence, I will be celebrating the birthday a day later and will somehow be obtaining a lot of Canadian beer afterwards (Brickskeller, anyone?--though it seems the only Canadian beers they have are Wyder's, Molson, Moosehead, and Unibroue....where's the other Maritimes stuff, guys???).
And then I'll go work on my grad school applications to schools in Canada.
I'm looking forward to going back at this point, but MAN, am I going to miss New Brunswick.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Oh, c'mon guys...
(This is in response to two concerned Canadian friends and to a particularly fanatical American who has harangued me for this in the past...)
YES, I've had maple syrup. YES, I mean the real stuff. I actually can't consume Aunt Jemima or Mrs. Butterworth's or any of that crap because I think it's disgusting. I'd rather have my pancakes plain.
Do you really think I would be as obsessed as I am with Canada and never have tried the stuff? Sheesh.
On that note...sugar woods on Saturday!
YES, I've had maple syrup. YES, I mean the real stuff. I actually can't consume Aunt Jemima or Mrs. Butterworth's or any of that crap because I think it's disgusting. I'd rather have my pancakes plain.
Do you really think I would be as obsessed as I am with Canada and never have tried the stuff? Sheesh.
On that note...sugar woods on Saturday!
On the dangers of the French language
Poutine (pronounced pou-TIN) = a delicious combo of gravy, fries, and cheese curds
Putin (in French, the "in" sound is nasal) = PM of Russia
Patins = ice skates
Putain = a whore
When I was in Montreal, I rented a pair of skates: "Je voudrais louer des patins." One slip of the tongue and I could have rented some hookers.
Ordering fries with gravy in Ottawa (or Quebec)?: "Je voudrais de la poutine, s'il vous plaît." If you're not a native see where I'm going with this.
Though I gotta say...the Quebecois equivalent of the mother of all swear words..."tabarnak," is the perfect combination of angry, hacking consonants and clipped vowels to create the ideal interjection. I mean, really. Why bother with a simple, one-syllable "FUCK!" when a forceful "TABARNAK!" is just fifty times more fun and dramatic?
Putin (in French, the "in" sound is nasal) = PM of Russia
Patins = ice skates
Putain = a whore
When I was in Montreal, I rented a pair of skates: "Je voudrais louer des patins." One slip of the tongue and I could have rented some hookers.
Ordering fries with gravy in Ottawa (or Quebec)?: "Je voudrais de la poutine, s'il vous plaît." If you're not a native see where I'm going with this.
Though I gotta say...the Quebecois equivalent of the mother of all swear words..."tabarnak," is the perfect combination of angry, hacking consonants and clipped vowels to create the ideal interjection. I mean, really. Why bother with a simple, one-syllable "FUCK!" when a forceful "TABARNAK!" is just fifty times more fun and dramatic?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Canadian moment of the day
I was talking with two friends--a girl and a guy--in meal hall today...
Me: "Yeah, my roommate and I pretty much live on Cheez-Its, Rice-A-Roni, Oreos, Cheetos...oh, yeah, and pretzel rods." (I have included a link to an image for anyone wondering what the hell a pretzel rod is.)
Them: "Pretzel rods?" *incredulous looks from both of them*
Me: "Yeah, they're like long pretzels."
Them: "Wait, so like breadsticks?"
Me: " Take a pretzel. Now just turn it into a longer version of that." *motions with hands*
Them: "Oh! Like those things in party mix."
Me: "Yeah, sort of. But bigger."
Then a conversation ensued about the Smarties v. Rockets issue. (For my American readers: Canadians call our Smarties "Rockets." Their Smarties are little chocolate candies--click on the link. For my Canadian readers: Yes, we call your Rockets "Smarties." But in my opinion, your Smarties are kind of gross. No offense.)
Her: "So what do you call Smarties?"
Me: "We don't have them."
Other girl sitting next to me listening to this whole conversation: "So...I take it you're from the States."
Me: "Yeah, my roommate and I pretty much live on Cheez-Its, Rice-A-Roni, Oreos, Cheetos...oh, yeah, and pretzel rods." (I have included a link to an image for anyone wondering what the hell a pretzel rod is.)
Them: "Pretzel rods?" *incredulous looks from both of them*
Me: "Yeah, they're like long pretzels."
Them: "Wait, so like breadsticks?"
Me: " Take a pretzel. Now just turn it into a longer version of that." *motions with hands*
Them: "Oh! Like those things in party mix."
Me: "Yeah, sort of. But bigger."
Then a conversation ensued about the Smarties v. Rockets issue. (For my American readers: Canadians call our Smarties "Rockets." Their Smarties are little chocolate candies--click on the link. For my Canadian readers: Yes, we call your Rockets "Smarties." But in my opinion, your Smarties are kind of gross. No offense.)
Her: "So what do you call Smarties?"
Me: "We don't have them."
Other girl sitting next to me listening to this whole conversation: "So...I take it you're from the States."
How to dress for a Canadian winter and not freeze your ass off (at least in the Maritimes)
1) DO NOT (do not do not do not) wear canvas sneakers in the snow. Especially when that snow is melting and it's misting, so your feet get wet and freeze and you have to bum socks and really expensive hiking boots off your friend (who, fortunately, has not disowned you for being such a dumbass).
2) You can't just chuck on a jacket and head out the door. Especially when it's -15. Bring along (and preferably wear) your mittens, toque, and scarf.
3) Do NOT cheapen up on fabric choices. Wool is warm. Cotton is not. Base layers or long johns are a good idea for when it gets really chilly.
4) Don't worry about looking stupid or wearing something that might be out of fashion. You're in Atlantic Canada. In the winter time. No one cares, and no one's looking. Snowboots at a concert are perfectly acceptable and ugly sweaters are hip.
5) On that note, winter gear can actually be cute. Canadian girls know how to wear scarves and toques.
6) Girls who regularly wear high-heeled winter boots are not stylish and trendy--they are morons. Ever try to walk on a patch of ice with your heels elevated several centimeters above your toes with next to no traction? Yeah, I didn't think so.
7) Two words: WOOL SOCKS. (I recommend SmartWool...I borrowed a friend's pair when we went skiing, and they're warm and comfy and keep your feet dry. Expensive as hell, but worth it--I have a lovely green pair now.) Wool socks over tights with a pair of snowboots? You couldn't possibly look more Canadian.
8) Mittens. Double-layered. Not gloves. Trust me on this one.
9) Uggs still look silly (those of you who read my previous blog know my deep and undying love for them), but apparently they're warm. I would like to point out, however, that they're not waterproof. I must say, it's rather refreshing to see them salt-stained and if they're being used for their original purpose as boots and not pristine suede fashion accessories...
10) Have more clothes then you think you're going to need. The weather changes its mind like a girl changes clothes (thank you, Katy Perry, for that little quip), so you may end up wearing them. If not, you can always lend them to your idiot friends who like to wear canvas snakers through slush.
2) You can't just chuck on a jacket and head out the door. Especially when it's -15. Bring along (and preferably wear) your mittens, toque, and scarf.
3) Do NOT cheapen up on fabric choices. Wool is warm. Cotton is not. Base layers or long johns are a good idea for when it gets really chilly.
4) Don't worry about looking stupid or wearing something that might be out of fashion. You're in Atlantic Canada. In the winter time. No one cares, and no one's looking. Snowboots at a concert are perfectly acceptable and ugly sweaters are hip.
5) On that note, winter gear can actually be cute. Canadian girls know how to wear scarves and toques.
6) Girls who regularly wear high-heeled winter boots are not stylish and trendy--they are morons. Ever try to walk on a patch of ice with your heels elevated several centimeters above your toes with next to no traction? Yeah, I didn't think so.
7) Two words: WOOL SOCKS. (I recommend SmartWool...I borrowed a friend's pair when we went skiing, and they're warm and comfy and keep your feet dry. Expensive as hell, but worth it--I have a lovely green pair now.) Wool socks over tights with a pair of snowboots? You couldn't possibly look more Canadian.
8) Mittens. Double-layered. Not gloves. Trust me on this one.
9) Uggs still look silly (those of you who read my previous blog know my deep and undying love for them), but apparently they're warm. I would like to point out, however, that they're not waterproof. I must say, it's rather refreshing to see them salt-stained and if they're being used for their original purpose as boots and not pristine suede fashion accessories...
10) Have more clothes then you think you're going to need. The weather changes its mind like a girl changes clothes (thank you, Katy Perry, for that little quip), so you may end up wearing them. If not, you can always lend them to your idiot friends who like to wear canvas snakers through slush.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Touches of Canadianness
I'm going to see Great Big Sea with a group of lovely Canadians in EXACTLY A WEEK! I'm so stoked. I saw them at Shamrock Fest in DC last year, but after a year of listening to them, I know pretty much every single one of their songs by now. Though I'm not particularly nuts about their newest album, so hopefully they play more old stuff...
I mentioned that the temperature was negative 9 degrees today and got an abrupt, "Negative nine? Where ya from, the States or something??" from a girl in my French class. I said, "Yeah...I meant negative nine Celsius...." She laughed and informed me that in order to speak proper Canadian, one must tack a "minus" onto temperatures below zero. Minus nine. Not negative nine.
Washroom, NOT bathroom or restroom.
Tuque/toque, NOT hat.
Minus, NOT negative.
Mits, NOT gloves or mittens.
Bands, NOT tribes.
Biling-ew-al, NOT bilingual.
Bad-mint-on, NOT "badmitten."
T's are generally more enunciated. BeTTer, NOT "bedder."
A cross between "aboat" and "aboot" (tending towards neither extreme), NOT "abowt."
I know I'm probably missing a few.
And they said assimilation would be easy...
I mentioned that the temperature was negative 9 degrees today and got an abrupt, "Negative nine? Where ya from, the States or something??" from a girl in my French class. I said, "Yeah...I meant negative nine Celsius...." She laughed and informed me that in order to speak proper Canadian, one must tack a "minus" onto temperatures below zero. Minus nine. Not negative nine.
Washroom, NOT bathroom or restroom.
Tuque/toque, NOT hat.
Minus, NOT negative.
Mits, NOT gloves or mittens.
Bands, NOT tribes.
Biling-ew-al, NOT bilingual.
Bad-mint-on, NOT "badmitten."
T's are generally more enunciated. BeTTer, NOT "bedder."
A cross between "aboat" and "aboot" (tending towards neither extreme), NOT "abowt."
I know I'm probably missing a few.
And they said assimilation would be easy...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Canadian politics and public speaking? Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Rachel.
Well, that was humiliating. We had to present on a prime minister in front of our Canadian politics class this evening, detailing their life accomplishments and analyzing the successes/failures of what they did. I had Louis St. Laurent, which was fine...
Unfortunately, there are several rather brilliant and well-spoken politically minded folk in our class who know a hell of a lot more about Canadian history and politics than me, and I get finicky enough about speaking in front of large crowds. My mouth goes into overdrive, my brain ceases to function, and the feeble overtones of sarcastic humour worm their way into every other word. I breathe an internal sigh of relief if this ever elicits laughter.
So I end up saying really stupid things like, "Yeah, and that whole, uh,*insert name of really big historical issue here* thing....yeah, that was....bad. And, um, yeah. My nickname was Uncle Louis. And children loved me. The book says so." And make it sound as if I haven't put any effort whatsoever into the assignment, when I actually have.
I get similarly worked up when I'm talking to new people that intimidate me with their intelligence (whether or not they mean to be intimidating)....and end up saying things that, while I've fully thought them through, come out like complete mindlessness. And then I instantly regret saying them and wind up backpedaling my way through the conversation, then forward again to make it seem like I know what I'm talking about, then back up some more, until I just fall off the conversational unicycle.
I'm also terrified of ever sounding arrogant, so it's a rare moment when I will solidly back an opinion. This is also because I can usually see the side of a good counter-argument. So sometimes I tend to think that I have no opinions--but that's just stupid and untrue because, really, who in life is opinionless? I just can't argue what I think for crap.
I'd do so much better in life if I could just write everything down. I'm better at saying what I mean that way.
Unfortunately, there are several rather brilliant and well-spoken politically minded folk in our class who know a hell of a lot more about Canadian history and politics than me, and I get finicky enough about speaking in front of large crowds. My mouth goes into overdrive, my brain ceases to function, and the feeble overtones of sarcastic humour worm their way into every other word. I breathe an internal sigh of relief if this ever elicits laughter.
So I end up saying really stupid things like, "Yeah, and that whole, uh,*insert name of really big historical issue here* thing....yeah, that was....bad. And, um, yeah. My nickname was Uncle Louis. And children loved me. The book says so." And make it sound as if I haven't put any effort whatsoever into the assignment, when I actually have.
I get similarly worked up when I'm talking to new people that intimidate me with their intelligence (whether or not they mean to be intimidating)....and end up saying things that, while I've fully thought them through, come out like complete mindlessness. And then I instantly regret saying them and wind up backpedaling my way through the conversation, then forward again to make it seem like I know what I'm talking about, then back up some more, until I just fall off the conversational unicycle.
I'm also terrified of ever sounding arrogant, so it's a rare moment when I will solidly back an opinion. This is also because I can usually see the side of a good counter-argument. So sometimes I tend to think that I have no opinions--but that's just stupid and untrue because, really, who in life is opinionless? I just can't argue what I think for crap.
I'd do so much better in life if I could just write everything down. I'm better at saying what I mean that way.
For my Canadian friends
Below is an excerpt from the DC Alert system--one of six that landed in my inbox due to the snowstorm they had last night.
"(Washington, D.C.) - Weather forecasters are predicting an additional possible 2" of snow entering the District through the morning rush hour. District crews have been treating and plowing roads since Sunday afternoon and will continue as this next band of snow moves through the region. Currently, the District Snow Team has over 200 pieces of equipment deployed including heavy and light plows and sprayer trucks.
District of Columbia Public Schools open two hours late today. The District Government is open. Liberal leave policy is in effect for employees.
Commuters and residents are advised to use Metro. Updated information on Metro rail and bus service is available at
Motorists and pedestrians should anticipate minor delays due to slow moving traffic during the morning rush hour. Please proceed with caution and provide for ample time to arrive at destinations.
High gusts of wind up to 25 mph in addition to below freezing temperatures are predicted and motorists and pedestrians are cautioned to be aware of possible icy conditions.
Residents are reminded to please clear their sidewalks, to shovel slush or snow and to assist disabled or elderly neighbors by helping to clear their steps and walkways. Also, please help and clear catch basins and fire hydrants.
Please do not put snow in the street. Put all cleared snow, from parked cars and sidewalks, in the "tree box," front yard, or between the curb and sidewalk."
Thought you might get a giggle out of that.
"(Washington, D.C.) - Weather forecasters are predicting an additional possible 2" of snow entering the District through the morning rush hour. District crews have been treating and plowing roads since Sunday afternoon and will continue as this next band of snow moves through the region. Currently, the District Snow Team has over 200 pieces of equipment deployed including heavy and light plows and sprayer trucks.
District of Columbia Public Schools open two hours late today. The District Government is open. Liberal leave policy is in effect for employees.
Commuters and residents are advised to use Metro. Updated information on Metro rail and bus service is available at
Motorists and pedestrians should anticipate minor delays due to slow moving traffic during the morning rush hour. Please proceed with caution and provide for ample time to arrive at destinations.
High gusts of wind up to 25 mph in addition to below freezing temperatures are predicted and motorists and pedestrians are cautioned to be aware of possible icy conditions.
Residents are reminded to please clear their sidewalks, to shovel slush or snow and to assist disabled or elderly neighbors by helping to clear their steps and walkways. Also, please help and clear catch basins and fire hydrants.
Please do not put snow in the street. Put all cleared snow, from parked cars and sidewalks, in the "tree box," front yard, or between the curb and sidewalk."
Thought you might get a giggle out of that.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Oh my god, I'm resorting to emo blog entries....
OK, so I heard this song and it reminded me of my friends from home/DC. Kindly ignore everything but the chorus, because that's the part of the song I like. The rest is kind of sappy boo-hoo romantic crap. Miss you guys!!
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